Master ThesisProduct Categorization in E-Commerce using Distributional SemanticsAdvisor: Prof. Harish Karnick & Pradhuman Jhala AbstractTagging products with path labels from a taxonomy are important for multiple tasks in e-commerce, e.g. search. Most often sellers have textual product descriptions, and we would like to automatically tag the product with a path label from a static hierarchical taxonomy (largely). The main challenge is to devise a suitable vector representation for the textual description.
1. Current techniques embed paragraph vectors in the same space (dimension) despite paragraph containing multiple topics (senses).
In this work, we handle the above problems by introducing a novel compositional technique called weighted Bag of Word-Vectors for document representation. Further, we developed a technique which uses an ensemble of multiple classifiers predicting path labels, node-wise labels, depth-wise labels to decrease classification error.
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